quality policy

The adoption of a system of quality management is a strategic choice of NEWARK ENGINEERING SRL

Newark Engineering S.r.l.
Viale A. De Gasperi, 25
66050 San Salvo (CH)

Viale Germania snc,
66050 San Salvo (CH)

Via G. Carducci, 32
67100 L'Aquila (AQ)

Galleria San Babila, 4/A
20122 Milano (MI)

Phone: (+39) 0873 341054
Fax: (+39) 0873 346454
E-mail: info@newarkengineering.it

NEWARK ENGINEERING was born by the will of the architect Antonio Pantalone, the architect Agostino Monteferrante and the engineers Andrea Di Iorio and Gennaro Luciano in 2009. The Company carries out feasibility studies, planning, construction management, technical consultancy relating to the construction of systems, works, civil and industrial constructions, infrastructure, urban planning and anything further relevant to the various fields of architecture and engineering. From its establishment to today it has become a point of reference in the sector, offering an efficient, distinctive and technically valid consultancy service to private and public clients.

OUR MISSION is the design of the human habitat while respecting the surrounding environment. We design the aspirations of our clients so that thoughts can find their definition in concrete works. The history of our achievements lies in the trust they placed in us and the passion with which we tried to repay it. Our experience ranges from the construction of homes, to hotels, industrial and commercial buildings, public works (roads, bridges) and environmental rehabilitation.

The primary objective is to provide, through the quality of the architecture and engineering services rendered, projects with high technological content for concrete functional solutions. In the era of globalization, where technologies alone no longer represent the difference between companies, NEWARK ENGINEERING makes available to its customers the know-how of its highly specialized staff in the development of architectural-engineering projects, correlated to a high level of research, specialist analyzes and project management combined with construction management and construction site safety for the complete realization of the work according to the precise requests and needs expressed by the Customer.

The "QUALITY OF THE PROJECT" aspect represents a fixed point within the philosophy implemented by NEWARK ENGINEERING S.R.L.

It is implemented with measurable objectives, from a qualitative point of view, relating to an effective architectural-engineering outcome, correlated to a high level of research, specialist analysis and of project management, combined with the complete realization of the work according to precise requests and needs expressed by the Customer.

Our POLICY FOR QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY, with continuous reference to new technologies in compliance with regulations, necessary to pursue the continuous improvement of services offered and therefore the satisfaction of the Client, can be summarized in the company objective points listed below:

  • Orient our actions by considering the needs and expectations of the customer and interested parties, starting from the context in which we operate and evaluating the risks and opportunities now connected;
  • Continuously increase our levels of technical and professional preparation with the aim of increasing the quality of the architecture and engineering services offered;
  • Define ways of creating and developing services through interactive processes, discussion and sharing with the client and the intellectual and technical participation of the various skills available to the firm;
  • Pay attention to the satisfaction of our employees, collaborators and partners;
  • Procure strategic services from suppliers, external collaborators and partners who have the ability to satisfy the best quality;
  • Prepare systematic actions and measures to ensure that suppliers, external collaborators and partners, who work on behalf of our company, apply the appropriate measures to comply with current and binding laws, rules and regulations;
  • Implement the monitoring and analysis of data deriving from the application of our integrated system and therefore from the services provided;
  • Manage, control and maintain structures and equipment, both hardware and software, to guarantee continuous technological improvement and, consistently with technical and economic availability, provide services in order to optimize professional performance;
  • Introduce and maintain all interventions necessary to ensure that our activities (services) are satisfactory ro legal requirements, rules and regulations, particularly in the architectural, engineering, safety and environmental fields;
  • Protect the environment, through the verification and reduction of the effects of our activities on the environment, the prevention and/or reduction of environmental pollution, the continuous improvement of environmental performance and the care of natural resources;
  • Compliance with all laws and regulations in force regarding the environment and safety and health at work, as well as with the requirements of the Public Administration and the voluntary agreements signed with public and private bodies;
  • Consultation and awareness-raising, as applicable, of the participation of workers and/or workers' representatives, discouraging policies or practices that discourage or penalize their participation;
  • Adoption of written procedures that regulate the main activities, identify the significant environmental aspects, identifying possible dangers in the work environment, evaluate the risks and implement the necessary control measures;
  • Prevention of accidents and professional illnesses linked to the activities of staff who work for and on behalf of the Company, through greater awareness also through the reporting of near misses and monitoring of the staff themselves;
  • Constant verification of the improvement of environmental performance and safety procedures through constant monitoring and necessary changes to the Company Management System, Policy, Programs and Procedures.

San Salvo (CH), 01/02/2024